Welcome to ICBEB 2020!
Due to outbreak of COVID-19 and for the safety of our participants, ICBEB 2020, originally scheduled to be held in Suzhou, China, has been suggested to go virtual (without any physical participation) via Microsoft Teams and will consist of the following parts:
1) Oral Presentation changes to an Online Video Presentation through Microsoft Teams Meeting (pre-recorded video for backup);
2) Poster presentation requires a well-designed poster in pdf format;
3) Full paper/abstract publication in journals.
How to join ICBEB 2020 in MS Teams
The 9th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB 2020), Hosted by Institute of Biomaterials and Medical Devices, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute & Institute of Biomedical Devices (Suzhou), Southeast University, will be held during November 15-18, 2020.
ICBEB aims to provide an extensive platform for scientists, researchers and scholars to present their research results and newest findings in all fields of Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology, discuss the practical challenges encountered and recommend better solutions for human health. The conference program includes Keynote Speech, Invited Speech, Oral Presentation and Poster Presentation. The 3rd China Physiological Signal Challenge (CPSC 2020) will be held synchronously during the conference.
We cordially invite you to join us online!
Important Dates
Time Countdown 0 Days LeftFinal Round Submission Deadline Extended to
September 30, 2020
Congratulations that 6 winners of the Best Oral Presentations from ICBEB 2019 are awarded with free registration to ICBEB 2020:
Session 1: China Physiological Signal Challenge & Biomedical Signal Processing
Winner: Mr. Nikhil Boddu, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Presented Paper: A novel PCA-based filtering method for signal processing in fMRI to improve diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases
Session 2: Biomechanics & Biomedical Modeling
Winner: Mr. Hamed Keramati, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Presented Paper: A sensitivity analysis of the aortic dissection in a closed circulatory loop using a multi-dimensional approach
Session 3: Cell Biology, Biopharmacy & Biomaterials (I)
Winner: Dr. Sourav Bhattacharjee, University College Dublin, Ireland
Presented Paper: Toward developing an optical platform for the early detection of colorectal cancer: Quo vadis?
Winner: Mr. Michael Whitehead, University of Cambridge, UK
Presented Paper: Murine retinal transduction using novel exosome-associated AAV2 gene therapy modalities
Winner: Mr. Nikhil Boddu, Washington University in St. Louis, USA
Presented Paper: A novel PCA-based filtering method for signal processing in fMRI to improve diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases
Session 2: Biomechanics & Biomedical Modeling
Winner: Mr. Hamed Keramati, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Presented Paper: A sensitivity analysis of the aortic dissection in a closed circulatory loop using a multi-dimensional approach
Session 3: Cell Biology, Biopharmacy & Biomaterials (I)
Winner: Dr. Sourav Bhattacharjee, University College Dublin, Ireland
Presented Paper: Toward developing an optical platform for the early detection of colorectal cancer: Quo vadis?
Winner: Mr. Michael Whitehead, University of Cambridge, UK
Presented Paper: Murine retinal transduction using novel exosome-associated AAV2 gene therapy modalities
Session 4: Medical Imaging Technology and Application
Winner: Dr. Chi Zhang, Beihang University, China
Presented Paper: Automatic segmentation of arterial tree from 3D computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) scans
Session 5: Cell Biology, Biopharmacy & Biomaterials (II)
Winner: Ms. Jennifer Ruiz, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
Presented Paper: Antifungal activity and anti-biofilm effect of four essential oils against candida spp
Session 6: Biomedical Engineering
Winner: Dr. Konstantin Bloch, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Presented Paper: Bioengineered insulin delivery to the brain for treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Winner: Dr. Chi Zhang, Beihang University, China
Presented Paper: Automatic segmentation of arterial tree from 3D computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (CTPA) scans
Session 5: Cell Biology, Biopharmacy & Biomaterials (II)
Winner: Ms. Jennifer Ruiz, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia
Presented Paper: Antifungal activity and anti-biofilm effect of four essential oils against candida spp
Session 6: Biomedical Engineering
Winner: Dr. Konstantin Bloch, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Presented Paper: Bioengineered insulin delivery to the brain for treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Congratulations! 4 winners of the Best Poster Presentations from ICBEB 2019 are awarded with free registration to ICBEB 2020.
Winner: Ms. Xiaoyun Liu, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Presented Paper: 3D printing of HBC/PLGA nanofibrous hydrogel composites with suitable internal architecture for cartilage tissue engineering
Winner: Dr. Bretislav Lipovy, University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic
Presented Paper: New collagen foam with nanotechnological modification as bi-layer dermal substitute: Influence of stable FGF2 on capillary density in different animal models
Presented Paper: 3D printing of HBC/PLGA nanofibrous hydrogel composites with suitable internal architecture for cartilage tissue engineering
Winner: Dr. Bretislav Lipovy, University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic
Presented Paper: New collagen foam with nanotechnological modification as bi-layer dermal substitute: Influence of stable FGF2 on capillary density in different animal models
Winner: Dr. Seyed Jamaleddin Mostafavi Yazdi, Keimyung University, Republic of Korea
Presented Paper: The optimization of the human implantable wireless electrocardiography (ECG) sensors to maximize the power transfer efficiency
Winner: Ms. Man-Hsu Lin, Keimyung University, Republic of Korea
Presented Paper: A basic study of examining advertising effectiveness during variety sporting events through monitoring bio-signals of viewers
Presented Paper: The optimization of the human implantable wireless electrocardiography (ECG) sensors to maximize the power transfer efficiency
Winner: Ms. Man-Hsu Lin, Keimyung University, Republic of Korea
Presented Paper: A basic study of examining advertising effectiveness during variety sporting events through monitoring bio-signals of viewers
Congratulations! 3 winners of the Best Papers from ICBEB 2019 are awarded with free registration to ICBEB 2020.
Paper Title: Segmentation of media and lumen in intravascular ultrasound image using guided multiscale normalized cut
Authors: Yi Huang, Wenjun Yan, Menghua Xia, Yi Guo, Guohui Zhou, Yuanyuan Wang
Paper Title: A cross-session feature calibration algorithm for EEG-based motor imagery classification
Authors: Yong Liang, Yu Ma
Authors: Yi Huang, Wenjun Yan, Menghua Xia, Yi Guo, Guohui Zhou, Yuanyuan Wang
Paper Title: A cross-session feature calibration algorithm for EEG-based motor imagery classification
Authors: Yong Liang, Yu Ma
Paper Title: Optimizing the minimum detectable difference of computed tomography scanned images via the Taguchi analysis: a feasibility study with an indigenous hepatic phantom and a line group gauge
Authors: Bing-Ru Peng, Samrit Kittipayak, Lung-Fa Pan, Lung-Kwang Pan
Authors: Bing-Ru Peng, Samrit Kittipayak, Lung-Fa Pan, Lung-Kwang Pan
Congratulations that 3 groups of winners who obtained the highest final QRSacc scores and HRacc scores on the hidden test data have received certificates and generous bonuses in CPSC 2019:
• First Prize QRSacc: 0.9214
Team: University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Members: Wenjie Cai, Danqin Hu, Liangyun Jiang
Bonus: CNY 15,000
• Second Prize QRSacc: 0.9155
Team: Soochow University
Members: Lishen Qiu, Wenqiang Cai, Miao Zhang, Wanyue Li, Jie Yu, Lesong Zheng, Mixue Deng, Lirong Wang
Bonus: CNY 10,000
• Third Prize QRSacc: 0.9079
Team: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Members: Jin Qi, Sunfeng Luo
Bonus: CNY 5,000
Team: University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Members: Wenjie Cai, Danqin Hu, Liangyun Jiang
Bonus: CNY 15,000
• Second Prize QRSacc: 0.9155
Team: Soochow University
Members: Lishen Qiu, Wenqiang Cai, Miao Zhang, Wanyue Li, Jie Yu, Lesong Zheng, Mixue Deng, Lirong Wang
Bonus: CNY 10,000
• Third Prize QRSacc: 0.9079
Team: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Members: Jin Qi, Sunfeng Luo
Bonus: CNY 5,000
• First Prize HRacc: 0.9489
Team: University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Members: Wenjie Cai, Danqin Hu, Liangyun Jiang
Bonus: CNY 15,000
• Second Prize HRacc: 0.9429
Team: Soochow University
Members: Lishen Qiu, Wenqiang Cai, Miao Zhang, Wanyue Li, Jie Yu, Lesong Zheng, Mixue Deng, Lirong Wang
Bonus: CNY 10,000
• Third Prize HRacc: 0.9377
Team: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Members: Jin Qi, Sunfeng Luo
Bonus: CNY 5,000
Team: University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Members: Wenjie Cai, Danqin Hu, Liangyun Jiang
Bonus: CNY 15,000
• Second Prize HRacc: 0.9429
Team: Soochow University
Members: Lishen Qiu, Wenqiang Cai, Miao Zhang, Wanyue Li, Jie Yu, Lesong Zheng, Mixue Deng, Lirong Wang
Bonus: CNY 10,000
• Third Prize HRacc: 0.9377
Team: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Members: Jin Qi, Sunfeng Luo
Bonus: CNY 5,000
ICBEB 2020 proposes a Special Session entitled H2020 BAMOS - Biomaterials and Additive Manufacturing for early intervention of osteoarthritis.
Prof. Chaozong Liu, University College London, The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, UK
Prof. Ling Wang, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease, typified by a loss of quality of cartilage and changes in bone at the interface of a joint, resulting in pain, stiffness and reduced mobility. H2020 BAMOS project aims to establish and embed a new collaboration between six internationally leading research organizations (four universities, one healthcare provider and one manufacturer with expertise in additive manufacturing) in addressing the challenges in OA treatment by providing novel cost effective osteochondral scaffold technology for early intervention of OA to delay or avoid the joint replacement operations by develop new materials and manufacturing technologies for the fabrication of custom-tailored osteochondral scaffolds. This session is to share the achievement of the BAMOS project within TERMIS community, and interact with colleagues who have the same interest in early OA intervention.
Please visit http://www.icbeb.org/session for more details on the Special Session-H2020 BAMOS.
Prof. Chaozong Liu, University College London, The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, UK
Prof. Ling Wang, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease, typified by a loss of quality of cartilage and changes in bone at the interface of a joint, resulting in pain, stiffness and reduced mobility. H2020 BAMOS project aims to establish and embed a new collaboration between six internationally leading research organizations (four universities, one healthcare provider and one manufacturer with expertise in additive manufacturing) in addressing the challenges in OA treatment by providing novel cost effective osteochondral scaffold technology for early intervention of OA to delay or avoid the joint replacement operations by develop new materials and manufacturing technologies for the fabrication of custom-tailored osteochondral scaffolds. This session is to share the achievement of the BAMOS project within TERMIS community, and interact with colleagues who have the same interest in early OA intervention.
Please visit http://www.icbeb.org/session for more details on the Special Session-H2020 BAMOS.
Publication Guidelines

Frontiers in Genetics: Computational Genomics
Research topic: Biomarker Detection Algorithms and Tools for Medical Imaging or Omic Data
ISSN (electronic): 1664-8021
JCR Impact factor: 3.258
Publication Type: Regular issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus

Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (Abstracts)
ISSN (online): 1742-7843
JCR Impact factor: 2.651
Publication Type: Supplement issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics), MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM), etc.
ISSN (online): 1742-7843
JCR Impact factor: 2.651
Publication Type: Supplement issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index (Clarivate Analytics), Science Citation Index Expanded (Clarivate Analytics), MEDLINE/PubMed (NLM), etc.

Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
ISSN (online): 1757-6334
JCR Impact factor: 1.055
Publication Type: Special issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Scopus, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, MEDLINE etc.
ISSN (online): 1757-6334
JCR Impact factor: 1.055
Publication Type: Special issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Scopus, Google Scholar, CNKI Scholar, MEDLINE etc.

Technology and Health Care
ISSN (online): 1878-7401
JCR Impact factor: 0.806
Publication Type: Supplement issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index-Expanded (SciSearch®), MEDLINE, Pubmed Central, Scopus etc.
ISSN (online): 1878-7401
JCR Impact factor: 0.806
Publication Type: Supplement issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index-Expanded (SciSearch®), MEDLINE, Pubmed Central, Scopus etc.

Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology
ISSN (online): 1532-2297
JCR Impact factor: 1.415
Publication Type: Special issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus, PubMed Central (PMC), MEDLINE etc.
ISSN (online): 1532-2297
JCR Impact factor: 1.415
Publication Type: Special issue
Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Scopus, PubMed Central (PMC), MEDLINE etc.
Supported Journals | Call for Papers
Below Journals are calling for papers for regular issue, if you are interested, please submit your full length paper to their submission system directly.

Journal of Tissue Engineering
SAGE, IF: 5.352
ISSN: 2041-7314
EISSN: 2041-7314
Indexing: SCIE, Scopus
SAGE, IF: 5.352
ISSN: 2041-7314
EISSN: 2041-7314
Indexing: SCIE, Scopus

European Journal of Inflammation
SAGE, IF: 0.267
ISSN: 2058-7392
EISSN: 2058-7392
Indexing: SCIE, Scopus
SAGE, IF: 0.267
ISSN: 2058-7392
EISSN: 2058-7392
Indexing: SCIE, Scopus
Hosted by


ICBEB 2020 is successfully held via MS Teams during November 15-18, 2020 with online attendees from over 20 countries and regions. CPSC 2020 has also ended in success. [November 19, 2020]
Accepted abstracts from the conference have been published online in Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Volume 127, Issue S54. [November 13, 2020]
Due to outbreak of COVID-19 and for the safety of our participants, ICBEB 2020 will go virtual (online conference without any physical participation). Sorry for any inconvenience caused.[September 4, 2020]
Accepted papers from ICBEB, published online in Technology and Health Care (JCR IF 0.806), have been indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded. [July 9, 2020]
Accepted abstracts from ICBEB 2019, have been published online in Technology and Health Care (JCR IF 0.806). [June 9, 2020]
3rd China Physiological Signal Challenge (CPSC 2020): Searching for Premature Ventricular Contraction and Supraventricular Premature Beat from Long-term ECGs is open. [February 15, 2020]
All accepted papers related to Medical Imaging Technology and Signal Processing from ICBEB 2019 have been published and indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded. [January 18, 2020]
All accepted papers within the field of Biomechanics and Biomechanical Engineering from ICBEB 2019 have been published and indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded.[January 16, 2020]
Accepted abstracts from ICBEB 2019, published in Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (JCR IF 2.659), have been indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded two weeks after publication. [December 2, 2019]
Accepted abstracts from the conference have been published online in Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Volume 125, Issue S5. [November 15, 2019]
ICBEB 2019 is successfully held in Seoul, Republic of Korea during October 22-25 (2019) with about 190 attendees from 28 countries and regions. [October 26, 2019]
Accepted papers from ICBEB, published online in Volume 27, Issue S1 in Technology and Health Care (JCR IF 0.787), have been indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded. [July 16, 2019]